5toFold – Connect & Commit | Five-to-Fold decision-mastery process


Are you considering a journey to a become a more healthy organization that fulfills its purpose? Let’s work together to discern your needs, your readiness and engagement to make a move. 

Consultation Service

We offer a variation of consulting services, from long-term support to facilitation of processes in your organization, also decision-making processes. 

To ensure sustainable results we always include pre-work and follow ups. In all our journeys we create space to release life force in people, organizations and society. We strive for having all our actions aligned with our mission, vision and values

Marai and Thomas have decades of experience supporting organizational and human journeys to excellence. We can work together on distance or travel to meet you. We are connected to global networks of collegues and partners. 

Get to know us a bit more by visiting Marai and Thomas spaces on this website or send an email directly to Thomas or Marai