Building the more beautiful world our hearts know; through committed teams.
Coach, mentor and professional playmate.
Practitioner of radical responsibility and the art of conscious co-creating.
You find me in Germany, Bielefeld / Berlin and online, where I work in English and German language, and in the language of the heart.
In 2003, I fell in love with Open Space Technology; met Thomas Herrmann, my dear collaborator in this project; and Chris Weaver, originator of 5toFold.
In the years since, we’ve deeply explored 5toFold and all the ways it can serve. I’ve facilitated, participated in and taught 5toFold decision-making processes in the context of teams, non-profit organisations and business companies. My respect for this process has only ever grown.
I now value 5toFold as much as
Open Space Technology
which was the first process I ever fell in love with.
Properly done 5toFold processes have integrity. If used by people who truly care — about their project and about each other — 5toFold helps to unleash the enormous potential within heart-centred humans.
Over time, our vision grew, for the contribution that 5toFold can be to humanity. Hence this website; co-created by a team of inspired, caring and highly skilled collaborators.
What if… working together was joyful?
Joy is a core value of mine, and I bring it into everything I do. 2009, when I realized that “joy” to me is like the air I need to breath, I was inspired to name my company:
Without having access to joy regularly, I would die. From the inside out. Which I see happening everywhere in today’s world:
Individuals, teams, organisations… are slowing dying… from the inside…
But there is another way:
My desire is to co-create the more beautiful world
our hearts know is possible!
Isn’t that…
- Childish?
- Reserved for our hobbies?
- An exceptional feeling, but nothing to aim for regularly?
The book “Joy Inc – How we created a workplace people love” by Richard Sheridan gives a definition of joy that matches my perspective:
Through play and professionalism, depth and laughter, proven processes and stepping into the unknown.
If you are you up for a conversation about joy@work, I would like to get to know you!