Our trainings and workshops are offered in-person as well as online. They are usually organized in collaboration with partners in our worldwide network. Our working languages are English, German and Swedish.
Free 1 hour Intro-Workshop Online
starting again after the summer break
Join our co-creative online workshop. You will be introduced to creating conditions for organizational fitness and wellbeing. Our focus is on mastering collaborative decisions and how this increases commitment in teams.
14-15 Aug. i Älvsbyn, Sverige. 5toFold – Beslut som gör skillnad
Dags att uppgradera hur ni fattar beslut i ert team/grupp? Välkommen att, i en svårslagen miljö i norrländska Älvsbyn, djupdyka i beslutsfattandets konst.
Vi kommer att utforska, fördjupa vår förståelse, samskapa, uppleva samt lära de praktiska stegen för att kunna använda 5toFold på ett klokt sätt.
Vi är glada att samskapa denna upplevelse med Dupal Consulting. Gården har ett begränsat antal deltagarplatser och Du är välkommen att komma med!
Past public events
July 4, Meetup Session in Berlin
We’ve got something precious
We need feedback!
You are invited into an interactive group exploration of the topic
Through group-decision mastery
What do we need help with?
We want to share this process, and get your perspective on it. For that, we open the space for co-creating and co-learning. In cooperation with the berlin open space cooperative eG.
Free 1 hour Intro-Workshop Online
Completed during 2024: May 31, June 4, 12, 14, 18
Join our co-creative online workshop. You will be introduced to creating conditions for organizational fitness and wellbeing. Our focus is on mastering collaborative decisions and how this increases commitment in teams.
Read about this workshop
Intro to 5toFold
An experiential 2 + 1 hour workshop
Completed during 2022: 8 April, 19 April, 9 June, 19 July, 10 Aug, 20 Sept, 8 Nov.
This online workshop enables you to start experimenting with 5toFold (Five to Fold decision-making) right away. Participants receive a 2-page guide that guides them step-by-step through the 5toFold process.
Read about this workshop